Welcome to the Kingdom of Heaven

Employment Opportunities in the Kingdom of Heaven Part 2

Employment Opportunities in the Kingdom of Heaven

Part 2

Missionaries to our Native Country

Have you ever considered being a missionary in your native country? Think about it. Who do the harlot churches send as missionaries around the world? They send doctors, plumbers, electricians, builders - almost all professions, to the mission field. These men and women work as foreigners, not becoming citizens of the country where they labor.

As citizens of Heaven, we do the same thing in our native land. We are not local residents or citizens. We are ambassadors and missionaries of the Heavenly government. (2 Corinthians 5:20) We do God's work, right here in our native country, without being numbered or licensed by the matrix. We use the gifts God has given us to labor for His glory. We stand on the highest authority.

Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord. 1 Corinthians 15:58

Finding Work

How do we find work? God has given all of us gifts that can be used to help others. Commit yourself to doing God's work and ask Him to show you the way. It is important to make that commitment. Then watch for circumstances where you can help someone in need, even in a small way. You have to start somewhere!

Joy of Manual Labor

One of our university-educated citizens visited us with his family and expressed joy in leaving his work as the head of a small corporation. He and his wife had built up a specialty shop that had become a very profitable enterprise. When he received the call to "come out of her," he sold his business and now works as a carpenter and evangelist.

He told us that when he was running his corporate business, his mind was entirely occupied with buying and selling and he seldom contemplated the things of God. "My mind was fully employed with concerns of the business - attracting more customers, expanding inventory, looking for new sources for goods, etc."

"Now, as a carpenter, my hands are occupied with the routine tasks of hammering and sawing, leaving my mind open for thoughts from God. The Lord often talks to me throughout the day - revealing His truth to me. The hours of physical labor would be tedious if it were not for the nearness of God within. I find far more satisfaction and peace in a carpenter's duties, than in carrying on my shoulders the weight of running a corporate business." He is also a featured speaker at various gatherings, spreading the Good News of the Kingdom of God.

One of the hardest decisions when becoming a citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven is to quit corporate employment. Sometimes it is easier if you dislike your job. Then when you become debt free, you will be excited to turn in your resignation. But that was not the case with Sammy.

Sammy worked at a university and loved his job. He started hearing about the Kingdom and knew he must come out of the system. He was scared to take such a huge step. He wondered how he could take care of his large family without a steady income? Besides, he had a high paying, challenging job.

He kept praying to God for courage to resign. Then one day his supervisor announced that his position was being cut and he was suddenly without a job. God made it easy for him. He is now happily working in the Kingdom repairing cars to give to the poor. He loves his new closeness with his wife and family who all help him. He's sorry he didn't choose freedom in Christ sooner.

Missionary Hudson Taylor said, “Depend on it. God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supply. He is too wise a God to frustrate His purposes for lack of funds."

What about the danger of falling back into working for money, instead of for Love? That is a danger if we don't keep trusting in Christ. But there are some built-in safeguards. As Kingdom citizens, we are automatically excluded from all jobs that require proof of residency or citizenship.

If we need any form of secular identification or numbers or licenses issued by the Matrix, we can't participate. This cuts us off from regular employment. Nor can we accept digital or cashless payments. We do accept cash and donations of material items that are useful in our ministry. The Kingdom citizens we know live in what the world calls voluntary poverty. Compared to their neighbors, they need very little. Instead of accumulating things, they give away that which they don't need.

Don't be ashamed that you have little of this world's wealth, but rejoice for, "Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God." Luke 6:20

The world runs on money. The Kingdom's lifeblood is love. You cannot serve both.

No servant can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money. Luke 16:13

Even if you are disabled, God can use you. For instance, we know of a man in his fifties, who became so severely crippled with arthritis that he was confined to a wheelchair. At first he was discouraged. His fingers were disfigured and ached. Only his two index fingers moved without pain. "Well, Lord," he said, "if all I've got left that can work in your harvest field are these two fingers, show me how I can use them for your glory."

One year later his first book was published. He had painstakingly tapped those two fingers on the keyboard until his book was completed. It became a Christian bestseller.

Visiting Prisoners

What about Christ's command to go to the prisoners? Many of us have unintentional prison ministries - we don't just visit - we are sent to prison. The usual reason is because we have not been marked or identified by the matrix. While prison may seem like a fearful thing and hard on the flesh, going to jail unlocks ministry opportunities.

If you are arrested, immediately start praising God and remember you are just transferring your ministry from the streets to the jail. You will be entering the lockup, not as a visitor, but as an insider. There are people throughout the criminal justice system, from inmates to magistrates, who desperately need to hear Christ's message of love and forgiveness.

When Rachel went to jail, she found her fellow inmates eager to hear the Good News of the Kingdom. No one was in a hurry. They had no worldly obligations to distract them. Even after lights went out, women would crawl over to Rachel's bunk and pour out their hearts, looking for God's forgiveness.

One night when I was in jail, I was awakened by my bunk-mate, Robert.

"Joe, I know why you're in jail. God sent you here for me." Robert had fallen in with some shady characters and needed a clean start.

After I was set free, Robert was released into our custody and he lived with us for several months.

Beginning Your Ministry

When you begin a ministry, you are a ministry under Jesus Christ. You are not a ministry under the Matrix. You are not doing business in Caesar's commerce. You are going about your Father's business.

Today, Jesus Christ has been given all authority in heaven and in earth. He sends us to do His Father's work. Whatever we do, in word or deed, we do in the name of the Lord Jesus (Colossians 3:17). We need no other approval because we have been commissioned by the highest authority (Matthew 28:18-20).

As you seek His Kingdom first, He will open up ways to finance your ministry. But don't focus on the finances. Labor in love. Find someone in need and serve them for free. They'll be as surprised as you are right now. Everyone is looking out for themselves. You don't have to. God is looking out for you.

So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Matthew 6:31-33

We help those in need, regardless of whether they are willing or able to pay. We don't ask for donations but we can offer a suggested donation amount if asked. Have you ever seen a high school club washing cars for free? They accept donations, but will wash your car, even if you do not make a donation. That's the way we are, too. Serving comes first.

When you labor, do more than is expected. They will know you by your love. If there are problems, correct them. No matter how long it takes. Be defrauded. Don't think of your profits. Remember, the Lord is taking care of you.

And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19

Whatever you do, do it in a way that you would want it done for you.  What you do to others, you have done to Jesus Christ. Work for those who belong to Jesus Christ. Work for those who don't know Him. Be as perfect as your Father in Heaven.

Yes, we must work. But why suffer under the heavy burdens of Caesar's commerce when you could work under the light burdens of God's commerce. Come out of the false protection of the Matrix and enter the true covering of Christ's government.

Are you willing, by God's grace, to do anything in order that God may be more loved and glorified, and that your neighbors may be raised to a more God-like and happy service?

God can do little with us if we are not completely given up to Him. But when we are fully committed, He can work wonders in the world around us. Make up your mind today that Jesus Christ shall have all of you.

And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ. Colossians 3:23, 24

Where is the work for those who are laboring for love and not money? Jesus says to lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are ripe for harvest. (John 4:35). We need not look hard to see there are many who are in need of the good news of the Kingdom of Heaven. The world around us is our harvest field.

We are to pray for workers who will go out and harvest souls for His kingdom. Jesus explained, "My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me and to finish His work." John 4:34 That is our work, too. Today Christ sends his called out ones into the world to tell others how they can live a life of abundance and freedom.

Yes, there is an alternative to working for money and it is a life where we need not worry about what we will eat or what we will wear. For our heavenly Father knows our needs and He will take care of us. His burdens are light and easy. Jesus bids us, "Come, follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19

Wake up and repent. The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.